Well here I go!!!
Didn't think that April 1st was too good a day to start a blog so have left it a week and caught up on other things. It's been a somewhat cold wet Spring here and frost is promised yet again this evening. Got really fed up of not being able to get out in the garden and various plants, particularly the Clematis of which we have a few, really did need pruning. So a brief spell of slightly warmer weather last weekend meant we dashed out into the garden, tidied things up, pruned plants and painted lots of trellis fence and dug out a flower bed but I felt so much better for it.
It also meant I got time to enjoy my latest purchases. A short time ago Kristina posted up a swap on the Knittyboard asking whether anyone was able to get some Colinette yarn and in return she'd supply yarn not readily available in the UK. Well as the Colinette workshop is only 20mins up the road it was too good an oppurtunity to miss, especially as I needed a couple of things myself. Luckily what Kristina wanted was in stock so she was well pleased when she received my package. After prevaricating for a week or two, decided to go for some A.L de Sauveterre since I've lusted after it for so long. I've been particularly impressed by the colourways shown on her site and was interested to see quite how spot on they are. The morning this arrived was almost like Xmas, inside the cardboard box was the yarn all wrapped up in pinky purpley tissue and tied in its own ribbon and then insided was this

This is Whisper 100% Peruvian Alpaca with 200 yards per hank and is colourway Cornish Pixie. To me this does personify Cornwall which is quite special to M and me as we had a memorable holiday there before a particularly tough summer and returned 18 months later to get married there on Xmas Eve. We're returning for a week's holiday at the end of the month so I'm going to have to take some of this with me as my holiday knitting. And there was also this
Summer Berries - doesn't it just remind you of strawberries, raspeberries, cherries, blackcurrants etc. It's soooooo soft and couldn't stop wandering around with huge grin on my face.
Also delivered was a package from Amazon which contained a copy of OneSkein by Leigh Radford. This is every bit as good as the reviews I've seen and am impressed that the one skein covers small to large skeins of diffferent types of yarn. Will make several of the items especially the baby bits and things as pressies. It's also an inspirational read and makes you realise quite how much you can achieve with a single skein. The other book was Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch. My lovely SP sent me Socks, Socks, Socks but still needed a basic sock reference book and this is it. Both books will get lots of use as I love knitting socks and have a pair on the go at all times.
And package three contained goodies some of which have just been posted off to my SP.
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