Long time no blog
It's a bit of a shock to discover that I haven't made an entry since early April. Perhaps it's symptomatic of the horribly dull wet summer we've had. Took time off end of April/start of May and had a wonderful break. Spent it at home but had a really good mix of doing things in the house and garden during the mornings, then having long leisurely lunches and relaxing reading, knitting etc in the afternoon. The weather was glorious and the time can be summed up by this pic
The knitting is the Swallowtail shawl knit up in Posh Yarn Eva 2ply yarn in Apple. This is a pattern I was keen to try and needed to use up theis yarn so a KAL held by the Posh Yarn group acted as an incentive. Once I got started it was in fact a very quick knit and completed it in under 2 weeks.

The early warmth and rain meant that initially the garden was looking glorious and some flowers were their best ever. This Aquilega was bought from the nursery at Botanical Garden Wales many years ago. Although a single plant it has spread and provides a wonderful show. When we visited Derwen nursery early summer saw a lovely range of Aquilega and bought several to provide future colour and cover for the back border.
Did have the odd nice evening

Not the most flattering of pics but at least I'm looking happy because we'd just seen these
First sighting of cygnets for this year.

A largely non eventful summer but extremely busy at work therefore really good to have a break this last couple of weeks. Again spent some time at home gardening/doing home stuff/ haircut/ hospital appointments etc then went down to Cornwall for a week.
Returning from a rather long and hot walk and yes the dog was this muddy.

Have found that spend far more time on Ravelry than I'd anticipated and have joined a couple of groups including Sock Knitters Anonymous and took part in Sockdown September. Knit Pomatomus in Pagewood Farm Alyeska sock yarn colour Orange Spice.

What stunning scenery!
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