Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Spring showers

Been up to North Wales for work today and driving through the mountains it lashed down with rain and was blowing a hoolley. But as usual there were a small number of hardy souls, fully decked from head to toe in waterproofs venturing out but looked pretty damn miserable and just had to ask yourself why? Would be much pleasanter and sensible to be esconced in Pete's Eats in Llanberis eating, drinking tea or coffee and reading newspapers or mags. Some years ago this would have been me but graduated into the fair weather camp of walkers. There were already some tents up at the best known camping sites down the Ogwen valley and pools of water standing on the fields. Ughhh!! not my idea of camping. However two and a half hours later driving back - bright sunshine although the tops were still swathed in cloud and could just still see a sprinkling of snow peaking down beneath the clouds.

Another package that arrived through the post the other day was a good ebay buy. Have hand wound some skeins of wool not knowing until recently that there were things like wool winders and swifts available. The majority of these seem to be available in the States and quite expensive so decided to have a look on ebay and found this

It's a "Hubby" wool holder = swift and wool winder. They were a bit grubby and unloved but with a good clean and polish Voila!! The wool holder is just so neat it slots together and is fully adjustable but dismantles to take up very limited space. Don't know why but the umbrella designed swifts just do not appeal, may be something to do with too many brollies having either collapsed or blown inside out on me!! This suits my aesthetic taste perfectly and the winder is pleasingly simple but so well designed with the bulbous little handle just sitting perfectly in the hand. It's also nice to know that something that was designed and made quite some time ago - perhaps during the 50's, but still works well. Who'd have thought I'd have been waxing lyrical about an old gadget but beware! I do have views and love well designed things that work well. Unfortunatley can't find anything out about Mr "Hubby".


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