Belated New Year Greetings
Belated New Year greetings and hope 2007 is a happy and healthy year for one and all.
This was taken on the morning of 30th November and since then seem to have spent much of the time surrounded by floods and gales. Have never known a winter where we've had so many gales. Hopefully we may have some clearer colder weather next week.
Really enjoyed the three weeks we had off over Xmas. This year it's been very much a time for quiet reflection and counting our blessings in that we've kept ourselves very much to ourselves apart from having the in-laws over on Xmas Day which was thoroughly enjoyable and went all too quickly.
Landed up doing a Yarn Harlot on Xmas morning by being up at 7.00 am and Kitchener Stitching the toes on 2 pairs of socks but realised after I'd given them away as presents that I'd forgotten to take photos of them. When I reviewed what I'd actually knit over the past year it didn't amount to as much as I thought but do have several things on the needles. I seem to have knit a few pairs of socks though

Yarn: Regia Stretch Sock Yarn colourway Fantasie
Pattern : Broadripple but with a 2x2 ribbed cuff
Yarn: Hip Knits Cashmere Sock Yarn colourway Jade
Pattern: Broadripple but with no variation.
I loved Kerrie's yarn so much that got some more in colourway Summer Pudding to knit

Pattern: Rib & Cable Socks by Nancy Bush - Interweave Knits Fall 2005
I was making these for M so scaled up the pattern to fit a man but because I hadn't made notes on what I'd done, knit the second sock on smaller needles so if you look closely at the above, you can see the uppermost sock is smaller. So actually ended up knitting a pair for M and myself. There was even enough yarn left over to knit my FIL a standard plain pair but with a twisted ribbed cuff. You can bet that if I make any changes to a pattern now, I make full notes either on the pattern or in the Stitch and Bitch journal M gave me last Xmas.

The combination of rib and cable gives a nice effect and lovely snug fit but after finishing the fourth sock I was just a bit fed up of cables!!
When I was doing the lace knitting course at Colinette back in Oct/Nov they were busy unpacking after having been to Ally Pally and we were lucky enough to get our mitts on their Jitterbug sock yarn before it became generally available. So here we have
Yarn: Colinette Jitterug sock yarn colourway Olive (though it's actually much more of a spruce green colour)
Pattern: Thuja
I really enjoyed knitting with this sock yarn and because it's slightly thicker than what I'm used to, couldn't believe the fact that I finished these in just over a week. I know that there has been some criticism over the amount of yarn in a skein and I did have to get a second skein but if I had made them slightly shorter in the leg I'd have had enough. Skeins are now being supplied with additional yardage. Although my needles are now slightly green I would thoroughly recommend this as a sock yarn especially if you like eye poppingly bright colours. I also rather liked the fact that this pattern is named Thuja which is also one of the latin names for a family of evergreen conifers (including some of the cedars) so it was apt that the yarn is this lovely dark green which does remind me of coniferous trees.
Here they are modelled by M - the problem I now have is that since he's has started wearing these and the Rib & Cable socks is definitely aquiring a taste for nice comfy hand knitted socks. It's become something of a ritual that as soon as we get in, we rush to get changed into slops and hand knitted socks. There's something very comforting about thick, soft perfectly fitting socks.
I would like to knit a pair of socks a month this year and I certainly have enough yarn to achieve that goal. I've joined the Knitty Sock Exchange and it's already kick started me into action. I'm going to be exchanging socks with Vknits who is a most prolific sock knitter and the fun has started as I've ordered the yarn and just downloaded the pattern. Fortunately we both like surprises and trust the other to choose something appropriate.
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