A Brand New Year & New Start
Ok so it's a month in but despite a mediocre Xmas due to a stonking cold the New Year did get off to a good start. Sat up to watch in the New Year then went to put the dog and out and it was the most amazing night - snowy, clear skies and bright, bright moon. So dashed in, put on boots, duvet jackets, woolly hats and went for a walk down the towpath in bright moonlight - magic!!
Had some of the coldest weather and most snow for approx 20 years - even recorded -13.5 degrees at 9,30am on Fri 8th. Went for a walk and got these pics which are self explanatory.
Currently reading Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky which I've picked up several times but for some reason had never bought. Don't know why because really enjoying it and the fact that some of the chapters are really short which means I get to read most nights before going to sleep.