The combination of lots of rain followed by a spell of hot weather has led to the back garden being the best it's ever been.

This is the back border - lots of Welsh poppies, they're the yellow ones, but also got orange ones and yellowy orange ones that have resulted from a combination of both colourways. Lots of hardy geraniums, the pale blue ones break up all the pink. The silvery green plants are Lychnis coronaria and will be out shortly - again we have bright pink ones, white ones and white ones with a blush centre (the result of hybridisation between the two). Normally had problems with this border as it's so dry and shaded for much of the day.

This is the rose Tess D'urbeville which my MIL kindly bought for us two years ago. It's so lush, a deep red and is just getting better year by year which is surprising given the rather hit and miss way in which I prune it.
And this is a Cornus which I bought for M for his birthday, the first year we were in the house. It's amazing how the back garden looks now in comparison to when we first moved in. Note to self to dig out pics and post on site.
On the knitting front am getting on with a scarf using some Hip Knits silk Kerrie kindly sent me with an order back in Feb but coming around to concluding that it's a fraction to wide so might have to frog. Also aquired these the other week .

The smaller skein is a skein of Artyarns Regal Silk in colourway 111 - destined for another modular knit. The dark blue skein is Cherry Tree Hill Supersock in Tropical Storm colourway which I was lucky to get at sale price. I was interested in trying this yarn and it's much nicer than expected and another tick off my list of yarns to try. Be interested to get some Koigu PMM and compare them.
It's now Sunday and raining and for once am really pleased. It's just been too hot to do anything so as it's much cooler actually have some energy today so had better get going and do some tidying and ironing especially since the in-laws are due next weekend.